Select a link to access a resource. You may be asked for you library card number and PIN. Please call the library at 859-744-5661 if you need assistance. The Clark County Public Library has a number of databases, providing you access to millions of articles and resources. Our resources cover everything from practice tests for the ACT & SAT to fixing your car.

Chilton has set the standard for auto repair know-how for over 100 years. Gale is pleased to share ChiltonLibrary, trusted by do-it-yourselfers and the automotive trade. Known for authoritative, money-saving car-care guidance you'll need for most years, makes, and models.

Gale Presents: Udemy is an online learning platform for adults who want to improve work-related skills or further develop a personal interest. Users can search through thousands of continuously updated, on-demand video courses across 75 categories in business, technology, design, and more, including courses taught by native speakers in 12 languages.

Explore and stay informed on local and national topics, people and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the U.S., including full-text electronic edition of The Winchester Sun, Clark County, Kentucky’s Daily newspaper. Date Range: (8/25/2006 – Current)

EBSCO Host is a collection of databases (indexes) that will help you identify and access articles in scholarly journals, newspapers, and popular magazines. Many of the articles in EBSCO Host are full-text. This collection includes Academic Search Premier, which is a multidisciplinary database that indexes select journals in a variety of subject areas, as well as some popular magazines and newspapers. Other databases in EBSCO Host are discipline-specific and index scholarly and professional literature including some book chapters, proceedings, and dissertations.

Mango is a language learning resource offering over 70 languages! The Mango software has a conversational approach that teaches practical/useful communication skills in every lesson and activity. Mango is accessible in the library and at home via our web and mobile apps for iOS and Android phones and tablets.

Explora provides a simple search that quickly delivers relevant results including articles, essays and primary source documents to help students feel successful in their research. They have high-quality articles licensed from reputable publishers, recognized by library professionals and selected for use in a school environment as well as easy-to-browse categories organized by popular topic to give students research ideas. The Library is happy to offer several versions of Explora for different ages and interests.

Have you ever wanted to build your own website, video game, app or animation? Then you’ll need to learn computer programming skills! Fiero Code, available through the school library, is a learn-to-code software program designed for students just like you. Through fun and exciting activities, you can learn coding languages such as: Scratch, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL.

LearningExpress helps students and adult learners improve the skills required for academic and career success. The LearningExpress Library™ platform provides a comprehensive selection of educational resources for basic skills mastery, academic success, job preparation, and career advancement. Also included in this great resource are popular software tutorials, Internet instruction and basic computer instruction.

KYVL allows students from K-12 to graduate level access to a wide variety of newspaper, encyclopedia, magazine, and scholarly /academic journal articles. KYVL includes other tools such as Novelist, a database designed to help library users better choose recreational reading for themselves.
To access this website outside the library you will need to first ask a staff member for the User ID and Password or call the library (at 744-5661) to receive them. Once you have these, you can click on the button above.

Educate Station content is created by a team of experienced and passionate educators from across the United States. Their educators bring vast subject-matter expertise, teaching credentials, and many years of experience as classroom teachers and curriculum developers. Through the content they create, they aim to provide ready-to-use, hands-on activities for kids to do at home or at school. The Educate Station team is committed to inspiring joyful learning and supporting kids, teachers, and parents.