Local History & Genealogy

Welcome to the Clark County Public Library Local History & Genealogy Page. The listing of resources below is by no means exhaustive, but provides a general overview of what we have. Feel free to stop by; our local history room is open the same hours as the main library. You can also contact the Reference Department by phone, or the chat option for more information.
Online Local History & Genealogy Collection
Clark County Veteran Interviews
Clark County Newspaper Obituaries
Digital Archives of the Winchester Sun 2010-2017
Clark County Order Books Probate Index
1877 Atlas of Bourbon, Clark, Fayette, Jessamine and Woodford Counties, Ky.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for Winchester (Provided through University of Kentucky)
Clark County Deeds 1793-1902; Indexes 1793-1959 (Requires a FamilySearch account)
General Overview of Local History & Genealogy Collection in the Local History Room
Over 4,000 books including:
bound family histories
Clark County histories
church histories
Kentucky histories
various county histories
general genealogical information
record books
Winchester Sun and various early newspapers: various from 1860s-1910s and then complete coverage on to 12/31/2017
Kentucky Death Certificates 1911-1964 with digital index
Government (Clark County and various other KY Counties) Documents
Marriage Bonds 1793-1850
Court Order Books 1793-1850
Wills 1793-1850
Civil & Criminal Court Records 1793-1970s
Church Records
atlases, maps & charts
Clark County High and Winchester Hustlers record books & scorebooks
files containing research on family histories; Clark County histories & Kentucky histories
historical community photographs & paintings
local directories
Lamplighter’s Club essays
History and Genealogy Databases

​America: History and Life is the definitive index of literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present.